I honestly believe this may be the coolest topic in the world. And I mean that literally. Right now, people in churches across the U.S. have joined missionaries overseas, sacrificing their summers to serve on continents across the globe. I'm so jazzed to say I know many people ministering to nations on the opposite side of the planet, and I want to ask that you please, please continue to pray for everyone while they're gone. (Specifically be praying for
the group currently in Mozambique, Africa!)
- God to extend his kingdom in the world. (
Mat 6:10 ).
- that the gospel would run and triumph. (
2 Thes 3:1).
"So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it."
- 2 Corinthians 5:9

"Dear Lord, I tremble now to pray for readers what I barely feel myself. But I have tasted what our life might be if I, and they, could walk along the ever-present edge of death, and smile with utter confidence that if we fell, or possibly were pushed it would be gain. Oh, what abandon, what great liberty what invincible resolve to love would be our portion if we walked this way! What readiness to suffer for the glory of Christ! What eagerness to show the poor that we would gladly spend and be spent to make them glad in God for all eternity! What lowliness and meekness and freedom from the need for praise and pay! All things are ours in Christ - the world, life, death, the present, the future. All are ours, and we are Christ's. And none of it deserved.
"...Let every wavering heart remember this: You promised 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So may we say with death-defying confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?'
"Forbid that any, Lord, who read these words would have to say someday, 'I've wasted it.' But grant, by your piercing Word, that we who name Christ as the Lord would treasure him above our lives, and feel deep in our souls, that Christ is life and death is gain. And so may we display his worth for all to see. And by our prizing him may he be praised in all the world. May he be magnified in life and death. May every neighborhood and nation see how joy in Jesus frees his people from the power of greed and fear.
"Let love flow from your saints, and may it, Lord, be this: that even if it costs our lives, the people will be glad in God. 'Let the people praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy.' Take your honored place, O Christ, as the all-satisfying Treasure of the world. With trembling hands before the throne of God, and utterly dependent on your grace, we lift our voice and make this solemn vow: As God lives, and is all I ever need, I will not waste my life. . . through Jesus Christ, AMEN."
- John Piper, Don't Waste Your Life